Getting Ready to Go Live With Technology in the Classroom


Technology is the science of making tools and processes that allow human beings to accomplish practical tasks. It includes both tangible tools like utensils or machines and intangible ones like software.

A wide variety of technological inventions and innovations have shaped our world from the wheel to computers to smartphones to drones and robotic grass cutters. Many people think that technology is all about gadgets – mobile phones, the internet, computers, big TVs and so on – but there’s more to it than that.

The term “technology” is derived from the Greek words techne and logos, meaning art or skill or craft. Techne means “the way, manner, or means by which something is gained,” while logos means word or utterance.

Teachers can use technology to differentiate instruction for students of different learning capabilities. This is especially important in math and science classrooms where not all students are equally capable of processing information in the same way. Using technology to help students access materials that they can easily understand is a valuable way to enhance their learning and build their confidence in the curriculum.

Technology allows teachers to create assignments that are interactive and engaging. This can include tikbot animations, group stories that show how everyone contributed to a project, and so much more. These types of assignments are often more fun for students to do and easier to grade, as well.

Getting Ready to Go Live with Technology

When integrating technology into the classroom, be sure to make a plan for how you will handle the challenges that will come along. For example, you may need to set up a tech support staff and define what will constitute a tech “emergency.” You should also consider how students will interact with technology during class.

Keep a Close Eye on the Clock

A good rule of thumb is that new technology requires time to learn, integrate and become part of teaching practice before you expect it to be used for lessons and assessments. This is especially true when you’re introducing new tools that students have never used before.

If you’re planning on integrating technology into your school, you should begin with a technology meeting for teachers and students to discuss the goals of incorporating tech in their classrooms. This will help everyone understand how and why the technology will be used, and what to expect when it’s in use.

Educators should also develop Responsible Use Policies to ensure that students and parents are aware of what they can and cannot do with devices. This policy will be a great way to keep students accountable and to reduce the risk of device abuse.

Finally, teachers should remember that technology should complement their lesson, not replace them. It is important for teachers to still deliver their lesson, provide feedback, and assist students with their work. This will ensure that technology doesn’t take over their role as teacher and that the student receives a complete education.