Fashion is the cultural construction of an embodied identity. It encompasses both street styles and so-called high fashion created by designers and couturiers. The term is often used to exclude other forms of dress, such as folk or traditional clothing.
It is a Social Process: People follow trends because they see them as relevant to their environment and culture, and because they like what they see. This can make it difficult to choose what you wear or what is fashionable for you.
The Pros and Cons of Fashion: There are many positive things about fashion, but there are also some negative points as well. The main negative point of fashion is that it is ephemeral and can change very quickly. This means that if you get rid of the old and buy the new it could soon be outdated.
It Can be Expensive: Fashion can be expensive if you want to buy something that is trendy. You need to have a lot of money to purchase trendy clothes because they are always changing and are very expensive to make.
You have to Work Hard: Unlike other professions, when you are working in the field of fashion, it is very important for you to work hard and build up your reputation in the industry because the criticisms that can be given can be very harsh and you will need to be strong in order to withstand them.
People Who Are Interested In Fashion: When you are interested in fashion, it is very important for you to keep up with the latest trend in the world of fashion as it will help you be more confident while you interact with others. It will also help you build up your career in the industry and become famous.
Taking part in Fashion Shows: When you are interested in fashion, it can be very tempting to take part in the many fashion shows that take place throughout the year. This can be very exciting and rewarding as you get to see different designs that people are wearing.
The disadvantage of attending these shows is that it can be very expensive. You will need to have a lot of money in order to attend these shows and it can be very stressful as you will be competing with other people.
If you are a person who is interested in fashion, it is very important for your health and wellbeing to be aware of the dangers that can be caused by this profession. It can be very stressful for a person who is not well-versed with this type of work because they may end up getting hurt or injured in the process which can lead to depression and other mental health problems.
It Can Be a Constant Stress: There are some people who are not very good at managing their time and if you are involved in the field of fashion, it can be very stressful as you will have to attend the various shows that are held all over the world. It can be very exhausting and you will have to stay up late in order to attend these shows which can be very disruptive for you as you might not be able to sleep at night.